The JIRA integration provides users with the organizational convenience of managing vulnerabilities detected in FSProtect. When you configure the plugin, the FSProtect uses these fields to organize and manage vulnerabilities detected when running vulnerability scans.

When the following configuration steps have been successfully done, users can assign the found Issues from the FSProtect as JIRA tickets to their team members.

The JIRA integration consists of two configuration requirements ;

  • REST API Connection Information

  • Data binding fields between JIRA and FSProtect

Configuring the REST API Connection

Before the configuration of the project specifications, the REST API connection information must be supplied.

FSProtect supports both on-prem and cloud JIRA instances.

Following input fields must be supplied according to the JIRA instance,

E-Mail: The e-mail address of the JIRA API user.

API Key/Personal Access Token:

URL: The url address of the JIRA server.

Cloud Instance: JIRA instance type.Switch on for cloud instances, switch off for on-premise instances.

Submitting the form with the Save button validates the user supplied input.

If the connection information is correct, the project specification tab has been enabled.

Data Binding between JIRA and FSProtect

The JIRA specification tab allows users to specify the project details and relevant data binding configurations between FSProtect and JIRA.

Project Key: Name of the project that is created from JIRA for the found Issues by the FSProtect.

Issue Type: The type of issues to bind the created tickets in a specified category.

Priority for Info Severity: The severity mapping for the Information level Issues found by the FSProtect to the JIRA level specification.

Priority for Low Severity: The severity mapping for the Low level Issues found by the FSProtect to the JIRA level specification.

Priority for Medium Severity: The severity mapping for the Medium level Issues found by the FSProtect to the JIRA level specification.

Priority for High Severity: The severity mapping for the High level Issues found by the FSProtect to the JIRA level specification.

Priority for Critical Severity: The severity mapping for the Critical level Issues found by the FSProtect to the JIRA level specification.

Submitting the form with the Save saves the binding and mapping configurations between the FSProtect and the JIRA.

Assign Issues to Users

After a successful JIRA configuration, route to the Issues tab and choose Create JIRA Ticket from the three-dot button and supply the necessary information;

  • Issue Type

  • Issue Priority

  • Issue Assignee

Successfuly created tickets can be analyzed from the JIRA,

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