The GPOs page provides a list of enumerated group policy objects in entire Acitve Directory. The list contains the Total Linked Entity, Risk Score, and Issue Counts.

Group Policy Object Details

Details page contains the Risk Score of the group policy object, Information, and Issues panes.

You can analyze objects in the Graph module by clicking the Visualize button on the upper left side of the Information Pane.


Information Pane contains Details, Linked Domains, Linked OUs, Linked Computers, Linked Users, GPO Settings, and Scripts tabs respectively.


Details tab contains attributes below about group policy object.



The name that represents an object. Used to perform searches. (Ldap Display Name: cn)

Distinguished Nam

Active Directory distinguished name of the object. (Ldap Display Name: distinguishedName)

Object Category

An object class name used to group objects of this or derived classes. (Ldap Display Name: objectCategory)


Name of the specified object. (Ldap Display Name: name)

GPC File Path

SYSVOL Policy folder path of the group policy object. (Ldap Display Name: gPCFileSysPath)

Created Time

The date when this object was created. (Ldap Display Name: whenCreated)

Last Changed Time

The date when this object was last changed. (Ldap Display Name: whenChanged)


A general purpose version number. (Ldap Display Name: versionNumber)

GPC Functionality Version

The version of the Group Policy Editor that created this object. (Ldap Display Name: gPCFunctionalityVersion)

Linked Domains

Linked Domains tab contains a list of domain objects that are directly linked with the group policy object.

Linked OUs

Linked OUs tab contains a list of organizational unit objects that are directly linked with the group policy object.

Linked Computers

Linked Computers tab contains a list of computer objects that are affected by the group policy object. The list also contains IP Address, Enabled, Privileged, and Admin columns to highlight the network address, status, and privilege level of computers.

Linked Users

Linked Users tab contains a list of user objects that are affected by the group policy object. The list also contains Enabled, Privileged, and Admin columns to highlight the status and privilege level of users.

GPO Settings

GPO Settings tab contains a list of settings that are defined with the group policy object. The list also contains the columns below.

Type: Type of the applied settings.

Policy Group or Registry Key: Group policy configuration path of the applied settings.

Setting: Name of the applied settings.

Value: Value of the setting that is defined/configured by the group policy object.


Scripts tab contains a list of Logon/Logoff and Startup/Shutdown scripts that are implemented with the group policy object. The list also contains the columns below.

Name: The file name of the script.

Can Anyone Modify: Indicates whether the script can be modified by anyone.

Type: Indicates at what stage the script runs. (Startup, Shutdown, Logon, Logoff)

GPO Type: Indicates the group policy type the script belongs to. (Machine, User)

Command: Indicates the command that is required to run the script.

Parameters: Indicates the command line parameters that are required to run the script.


Issues pane contains identified issues on the group policy object.

Last updated